
"N" is for Natural State

Objective:  Students will be able to create an acrostic poem.

Frameworks:  W.7.2.3, H.6.2.3

Materials:  text "N is for Natural State: An Arkansas Alphabet" by Michael Shoulders; whiteboard; markers; paper; pencil and crayons

Anticipatory Set:  Read "N is for Natural State".  Ask students to tell something they already knew about Arkansas or something they just discovered after listening to the text.  Record their answers on the board, or on a KWL chart.

Modeling:  Show students a premade acrostic poem.  Explain how the words in the poem describe the word down the side and begin with each letter of the word. 
For Exampe:  Dig in dirt
                        Oodles of fun
                        Great pets

Guided Practice:  Teacher guides by helping students create an acrostic poem using a student's name.  Remind them the words describe or tell about the student.
           Example:  the name "Lance".......  Likes video games
                                                                    Chases girls
                                                                    Eats pizza

Independent Work:  Instruct students to create their own acrostic poem of Arkansas.  Students can use the previous made list of Arkansas facts for inspiration.  Encourage students to illustrate their poems.   Display for parents and students.

*As a class, have students write their own ABC Book of Arkansas. 
*Perform acrostic poems as a cheer.