Arkansas Flag

Objective:  The students will be able to recognize and explain the symbolism of the Arkansas flag and they will reconstruct their own flag of Arkansas using symbols from the Arkansas state symbols timeline. 

Frameworks:  V.A.5.2.11., V.A.5.3.14., V.A.5.2.12., V.A.5.3.16., V.A.5.2.13., V.A.5.3.17, V.A.6.6, V.A.6.3.6, V.A.7.2.1, V.A.7.3.1, V.A.7.3.5, H.6.2.2, H.6.3.1

Duration of lesson:  3 days

Anticipatory question: 
What do the symbols on the Arkansas flag mean?
What symbols would you choose to represent the Arkansas flag?

Arkansas flag, Arkansas flag coloring and label sheet, cards of Arkansas state symbols, colored construction paper, pencils, scissors, glue, crayons, markers,

Vocabulary terms:
state, symbols, timeline


1.  Begin by showing students the Arkansas state flag.  (see flag picture at the bottom of this lesson).  Lead a brainstorming session with the students on what they think the symbols in the flag might mean.  Write their answers on the board.

2.  Students will pair up and receive coloring sheets of the state flag and a handout of text discussing the history of the state flag.  Students will read the text silently.

3.  Students will then color the flag according to the text and answer the questions regarding each symbol's meaning.

4.  Students will then be randomly called upon to come up to the Prometheon board and label the various parts of the flag and write the meaning next to it. 

5.  Each student will then receive a card with a state symbol on it and a brief description of it's meaning and when it was adopted.  Without talking they must get up and arrange themselves in order of their given symbol and year it was adopted. 

6.  Beginning with the earliest symbol adopted that student will talk about their symbol and it's meaning.  Each student will go down the timeline and discuss their given symbol.  The teacher will write on the Promethean the symbol and date.

7.  Students will then return to their desks and be instructed to design a flag using some of the symbols they have just discussed based on their interests.  They must first draw and color their flag on white paper.  They must use a minimum of 4 symbols.

8.  After the teacher has approved their designs they may begin to construct their flags out of construction paper.  Students must remember the class procedures when working with and sharing supplies along with reusing scrap paper.

9.  Students will then present their flags to the class and explain why they chose the symbols in their flags and what it means to them.

Assessment:  Students will submit in pairs colored flags and answer sheets of the Arkansas state flag.  Students will present to the class their own flags created with symbols they chose.  Rubrics will be provided for both assignments.
Extension:  Students may create a flag representing themselves making up their own symbols. 